How to collect your car at Valencia airport

Valencia Airport Parking 1

1) From arrivals, please go 1 level up to departures.

2) Exit the main door.

Valencia Airport Parking 2

3) Take the walkway across to the public parking.

Valencia Airport Parking 3

4) Walk towards the rear of the parking.

Valencia Airport Parking 4

5) You will find a Smart with the number 1, located in bay nº 861. You collect your car from here.

If there is no one, please wait.

How to return the car at Valencia airport

At Valencia airport our car - a Smart with the number 1 - is in parking bay nº 861 (blue area),

2nd floor of the carpark, opposite the terminal building.

Please deposit the key and parking ticket in this car.

(Failure to do so can result in a fine up to 70€)

Nuevo Plano Vlc